Sunday, May 24, 2015

"Do the Thing You Think You Cannot Do"

There is something that I have come to recognize in the past couple months or so about our walk in life and that is:

No one on this Earth is going to understand your journey, so don't expect them to.

It is evident that as humans we are faced with decisions that we have to make in order to set ourselves on the course to enlightenment or joy, but people around us may not always see that as the path they deem correct.

And that, my friend, is okay.

In the past 90 days or so, I have made some changes in my life that I never thought were possible simply because I was extremely co-dependent for a majority of my adulthood. This doesn't mean I was incapable of being a grown-up, it just means that I was always depending on the fact that someone was always there to hold my hand. For this reason, I stayed at the same company for nearly a decade, even though I knew my heart was in the non-profit sector.

After I had my son, I did put in numerous resumes in order to get into a career that made more sense with a family-life, but it did no good, and eventually I gave up. Now, over two years later, and I found myself in a completely different situation, and the necessity to switch careers was even more necessary.

Luckily, being a local volunteer gave me a foot in the door for a job I now love and I couldn't be more blessed. I went from not knowing what was in store for me, to starting my dream career in less than three months.

Sometimes when there is a sense of urgency in your life, a fire under your butt so-to-speak, it becomes easier to fight for the things you desire.

No matter what, don't let anyone's perception of your journey diminish your capacity to attain your goals. I understand it can be difficult, especially for those of us who want to please the masses, but in the pleasing everyone just so you can suffer massive burn-out the best decision for you?

If you are afraid to take that step that you've been aching to take for ages, remember that in the end it'll all work itself out. As Eleanor Roosevelt said: "You must do the thing you think you cannot do!"

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